Virtues Shop

Virgin Privianty

Hospitality Management & Business Development Consultant

Profil: My name is Virgin Privianty Purbodiningrat, please call me Vippy :)
I am a mother of three grown children and a grandmother of two grandchildren who are still toddlers.

My educational background is Bachelor of Psychology, graduated from University of Indonesia class of 1988. I have 21 years working experience in psychology, manufacture, trading and hospitality. During those years, I built my career from internship level to Vice President level. Only the last 3 years, I have been working independently as a consultant for the field of hospitality, especially in accommodation business.

I'm more than happy to support people who seek for insight and guidance related to self-development, career development or business. I'm also open to support for personal-related matters such as family and children education.

Spesialisasi: Karir Self Development Bisnis

Harga: Rp.150,000,-/Sesi 60 menit

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